For the once who would like to take a deeper understanding:
The elementary (kalapas) particles are very minute. They are so small that they are not seen even with the help of the most sensitive instruments. But they still have mass and theoretically it is possible to reduce mass step by step to a point where there is no longer any mass. (like neutrino) This indicates that there is a possibility of energy becoming free from the bondage of the particles in a graduated manner this = sublte energy.
Material energy undergoes fragmentation. it is the process of transformation of energy,
First, into just a trace of minute matter fragments, which at a certain stage on a descending scale, appear elementary particles and
Second, into atoms and molecules and finally into gross matter. At the gross level, matter exhibits specific sense qualities, derived from 5 forms of tanmatra (hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell).
Together, the meta matter (suble energy) with the tanmatra create kalapas and react on the physical senses.
Hence matter does not end at the level of the elementary particles (kalabas) but is continuous with the subtle power field. The whole circular spiral organization is called chakra. There are nine main chakras (in the chitrini) namely nirwana, indu, manas, ajna, wishuddha, anahata, manipura, swadhishthana and muladhara. Which are covered by Massage.
Eight basic constituents of matter forming kalapas, the solid, liquid, calorific and oscillatory, together with colour, smell, taste, and nutriment. It is only when the eight basic material constituents unite together that the kalapa is formed. In other words, the momentary collocation of these eight basic elements of behaviour makes a man just for that moment, which is known as a kalapa. The life-span of a kalapa is termed a moment, and a trillion such moments are said to elapse during the wink of a man's eye. These kalapas are all in a state of perpetual change or flux. To a developed student in Vipassana Meditation they can be felt as a stream of energy.
Once can thus develop the understanding of change through any of five sense organs. In practice, however, we have found that of all the types of feeling, the feeling by contact of touch with the component parts of the body in a process of change covers the widest area for introspective meditation and massage. As the Integumentary System (skin) Fascia is the biggest surface area / matter of change. Not only that, the feelings by contact of touch (by way of friction, radiation and vibration) with the component parts of the body is more evident than other types of feelings and 'therefore a Massaged Client or Meditator' can come to the understanding of Impermanence more easily through this bodily feelings . This is the main reason why we have chosen bodily feeling as a medium for quick understanding of "CHANGE". It is open to anyone to try other means, but my suggestion is that one should be well-established in the understanding of Impermanence through bodily feeling before any attempt is made through other types of feeling.
Ayurveda recommends for Vata imbalances that we massage lightly, for Pitta imbalances that we do a medium depth massage and for kapha imbalances that we massage more deeply!
Of course, essential oils can also affect the various elements such as lavender calming the Vata, cinnamon increasing Pitta, frankincense increasing Kapha etc. Have fun!
Material energy undergoes fragmentation. it is the process of transformation of energy,
First, into just a trace of minute matter fragments, which at a certain stage on a descending scale, appear elementary particles and
Second, into atoms and molecules and finally into gross matter. At the gross level, matter exhibits specific sense qualities, derived from 5 forms of tanmatra (hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell).
Together, the meta matter (suble energy) with the tanmatra create kalapas and react on the physical senses.
Hence matter does not end at the level of the elementary particles (kalabas) but is continuous with the subtle power field. The whole circular spiral organization is called chakra. There are nine main chakras (in the chitrini) namely nirwana, indu, manas, ajna, wishuddha, anahata, manipura, swadhishthana and muladhara. Which are covered by Massage.
Eight basic constituents of matter forming kalapas, the solid, liquid, calorific and oscillatory, together with colour, smell, taste, and nutriment. It is only when the eight basic material constituents unite together that the kalapa is formed. In other words, the momentary collocation of these eight basic elements of behaviour makes a man just for that moment, which is known as a kalapa. The life-span of a kalapa is termed a moment, and a trillion such moments are said to elapse during the wink of a man's eye. These kalapas are all in a state of perpetual change or flux. To a developed student in Vipassana Meditation they can be felt as a stream of energy.
Once can thus develop the understanding of change through any of five sense organs. In practice, however, we have found that of all the types of feeling, the feeling by contact of touch with the component parts of the body in a process of change covers the widest area for introspective meditation and massage. As the Integumentary System (skin) Fascia is the biggest surface area / matter of change. Not only that, the feelings by contact of touch (by way of friction, radiation and vibration) with the component parts of the body is more evident than other types of feelings and 'therefore a Massaged Client or Meditator' can come to the understanding of Impermanence more easily through this bodily feelings . This is the main reason why we have chosen bodily feeling as a medium for quick understanding of "CHANGE". It is open to anyone to try other means, but my suggestion is that one should be well-established in the understanding of Impermanence through bodily feeling before any attempt is made through other types of feeling.
Ayurveda recommends for Vata imbalances that we massage lightly, for Pitta imbalances that we do a medium depth massage and for kapha imbalances that we massage more deeply!
Of course, essential oils can also affect the various elements such as lavender calming the Vata, cinnamon increasing Pitta, frankincense increasing Kapha etc. Have fun!